Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Life, pirates, and thoughts.


Shoot the pirate. my blogspot url. and now my sn. Its my private one though. Not like many of my people know about this blogspot so I am not that worried about saying things like this.

I have started a new addiction. I feel amazing everytime I answer a question right because that means oneless person will go to bed starving. Its just a good feeling you know? Like when I gave blood. I love piercings, but I hate needles. Kind of like I don't mind the needles when I am getting a piercing but for shots and IVs anything like that. It grosses me out. But when I gave blood it wasnt like that. It was okay because I was helping people.

For those of my friends who do read this and don't already know, I was in a coma when I was really little. They took so much blood out of me they had to give me a transfussion. I just feel good about giving back. I also hate death, thats why I am a partial vegetarian.

My deep though for today is:: Dont keep expecting to recieve when you don't give to begin with. Karma is a powerful thing, accept and appreciate its strength. By giving back you are helping your soul, you are helping people. Everyone deserves a chance at life.


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