Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration tomorrow. My thoughts tonight.

Ohkay, so with the inauguration tomorrow… I need to get this off of my chest.

STOP freaking out because we are having a BLACK President.

Can’t he just be our PRESIDENT?!
I thought all the racial bits were done with in the 60’s?!
Everyone fought SO hard back then to get it to not be BLACK and WHITE. Just to be Americans.

So why does it matter that Barack is black?!
This is not African/Caucasian/Asian/Mexican America. This is AMERICA. We are all AMERICANS.

Just get over the fact that Barack is darker skinned than most of us other Americans and accept him for what he is. Our 44th President.

Not our ‘First Black President’
Not our ‘First African American President’
He is our 44th President of the fucking United States ohkay?!
We want to talk about how far we have come.

Women’s rights, no more SLAVERY, advances in technology, COUNTLESS THINGS.

Why do we insist on saying that he is a Black guy who became President. He is a Black guy taking over a White man’s job.

Why Black and White?
Why can’t we just exist?!
The 1960’s called… yeah they want their racial profiling/slurs back.

He is our president. He is a guy who is going to try to turn this country around.

Stop being hung up on his skin colour and try to see that we are all Americans.

Who cares about the Pre-Fix on that title.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Today at work, I remembered something I overheard a customer say once. It had to have been 3 generations, the grandson, the father and the grandfather. The following is what was said::
Grandfather: (holding glass up to toast) To the confederacy!'
Father: To the confederacy!
Grandson: What's a confederacy?
Grandfather: It's what this country should have been.

Back to now.
This conversation has always got to me. Granted, I was bussing a table and not meaning to eavesdrop.. but that’s what I heard. I don't understand how in today's society, people still think like that. We have made SO many advances in technology, in human many many fields.

We are going to have Mr. Obama as president. I can't help but wonder what the grandfather thinks of that.
People are opposed to him because they say he doesn't have enough experience, because he's black, because his name reminds them of Osama Binladin.
Look at the presidents we've had... They have had experience and where has that left our country? In a war, in trillions of dollars of debt... Soon we won't be the leading power, if we even are right now.
He's black, so what? If none of us had skin we'd all be the same. It's like peeling an apple. Peel a red one, a yellow one and a green one. Mix them up... in the end, the only way to know which is which is to taste them and see what they are like.
Peoples names sound alike allllll the time. I have a friend named Brittany Speer. That doesn’t mean she is going to be a famous singer who gets together with someone who is wrong for her, pop out a couple kids and shave her head!

I am not sure what my point of this bulletin is. I guess it would be something along the lines of change is inevitable. If Mr. Obama is going to fail as being president, he wouldn’t be the first. Don't judge a book by its cover. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Actual update.

In all my haste to vent on the new album. I forgot to do an update.. Since I haven’t since may.

** Demi Lovato concert at the house of blues Cleveland in June. I was front row. I got her guitar pick and set list.
** Jonas Brothers concert. 7-05. Right in front of the cat walk. I got Kevin’s guitar pick.

**Katie came to visit. 7-22. I was also diagnosed with PCOS on that day.

** Push Play concert. Second row, even though we were first in line and in line for more than 7 hours before the concert. I got Steve’s guitar pick.

** The Maine/Metro Station/ Good Charlotte/ Boys like girls concert. Second and third row most the night. We were first in line.. Got there at 3 am. I got a boys like girls guitar pick.

School starts September 2nd. Senior year. Not really looking forward to it.

A Little Bit Longer.

Conversation With Emily.

"Emily Q.": heyy
mmmarychristine: hey heyy
"Emily Q.": whats up?
mmmarychristine: just thinking how I wasted 40 dollars between 2 copies of ALBL when its my least favourite album
"Emily Q.": its ur least fave?
mmmarychristine: yup. I am pretty sure.
"Emily Q.": really why?
mmmarychristine: its just. idk.I dont feel like I am hearing the same boys. it just feels so.... different. I mean I know its different.I know they are gunna mature. but I just cant. connect like I used to be able to.
mmmarychristine: its hard to explain
"Emily Q.": ya i kinda know what u mean
"Emily Q.": but i cant really choose a least fave. cuz theres songs on all 3 albums that i love and that i dont like so much
mmmarychristine: I love their music all the same. dont get me wrong. they have never made any bad music. except their choice to make music with miley.... I love them all but I just cant connect with this album. I'm listening to it over and over again. searching. praying to find something. and I keep coming up empty
"Emily Q.": i can connect with cant have you the most...surprisingly
mmmarychristine: its not about the music. its about the guys making the music.
mmmarychristine: I can connect with the words. I understand it. I just dont understand them.
mmmarychristine: its not about their music. its about them.

Bulletin I posted:
Please note I love all the songs. this is just my favorite parts and personal critiques of the songs.

BB Good.

+ I don't wanna hurt you. I wanna KISS you.

+ Listen girl, you're out of control
I think you and me
Would be a great
Cou-ple. Yeah.

Burnin' Up.

+Big Robs Rap


-/+ There is no major part that sticks out. Its a good song in general though.

One Man Show.

-/+ Good song. but it reminds me of like.. Proud mary by tina turner in the

Love Bug.

+ Joe's not a girl
+ John Taylor!
+ The ending


+ Joe screaming Tonight

Can't Have You.

++ The entire song is amazing.
though there isnt a specific part that stands
out again.

Video Girl.

+ Moved to LA got no talent
Daddy pays your bills but you still whine
+ This song is TOTALLY about Miley.
If you knew the stories, you'd understand

Pushing Me Away.

- Joe sounds like hes hacking up something nasty on 'Cause I'M so


+ good flow.
amazing song
- Sounds like a song that'd come out of a Hanson/Backstreet boy brain storm.

Got Me Goin' Crazy.

-/+ Its alright. Maybe my least favourite on the album.

A Little Bit Longer.

+ Need I really explain?

Live To Party-/+ like.... beach boys meets dreamstreet

It's just different.
I can't explain. I don't like it. It's not the same. It hasn’t been since SOS released. I miss it more than anything. I know they are going to mature. We can't expect them to be thrown to the sharks (Hollywood) and come out the same. It would be stupid. I just can't take the teenies. The drama. The heartache.
Kevin's interview...(not word for word). 'What’s the difference from 2 years ago to now?'- Interviewer. 'Two years ago, no one cared'- Kevin.
NO ONE CARED? What does that make me to you guys? Sure, I'm just another face in the crowd now. 2 years ago. I was someone. I was one of the people trying to get your the attention you deserved.
What’s going on?
I would love to have them write a song about how we helped them get to where they are. Not another song about how miley was acting like a skank and Mrs. Denise strongly disliked her (haha. video girl came on as I finished that song).
I want to know that they really appreciate what we did 2 years ago. *going on 3*. I don't want to hear them repeat like robots 'we love you so much. thanks for all that you've done'.
I want them to mean it.

Philosophy for the day. Don't say things you don't mean.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

long time. no post.

So a lot has happened since I last posted.
Readers Digest version =

Jonas Concert. Even though it was 22nd row, and it broke my heart to see all the teenies that had taken the world over, it was amazing.

I brought up my grades. I’m now only failing english because Mr. Houthoofd hates me.
I’m making a set of drumsticks in woodshop class. they are gunna be BEYOND amazing
ACTs next week. Class selection now.

Joseph and I have been emailing. I am hoping to convince my mom to allow me to go to Laura's house to record. Since Shandi deleted everything we haven't been able to do any music. I don’t want to email him back till then.

Laura’s dad is setting up a Diabetes Benefit concert. We are seeing about having Chris Koon perform as well as us and Drew 32. It would be around the troy area.

Yeah. thats about it for now. I’m not sure what else to write. I think that I am gunna sign off now. I am tired and I have to practice ‘Our Time Now’ , ‘Hey There Baby Boy‘, ‘I Really Could Care Less’ and ‘Kung Fu Grip’ on guitar. I cant wait to have my drum sticks done. stupid ass keyboard broke. and I dont feel like playing the tambourine. its all rhythmic. soooo easy.

yeah. I’m out cub-scouts.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar



She also changed the display name to Sucksville Suckers. ourwebsite was

ohh yeah it gets worse..

she deleted FAMOUS FOR SOMETHING Property. Lauras parents paid for the recording time and I paid to get all the photos done.

ugh. why must she be like that. she accused us of deleting the banner she made. LAURA AND I DIDNT DO ANYTHING. She freaked on me about the camcorder. I am sorry that I was in bad mood but thats not my fucking fault... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THE WORLD TODAY?!?!?!?!?! I just hope that nothing blows out of proportion anymore that it already is.... Laura and I redid as much as we can already. We are sending friend requests like crazy....

i just dont get it.

gag me with a spoon

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

School... gayyyyy

Okay. So MANY blogs ago.. I complained about snow days and how we had 5 snow days in a two week period. Well. this week. I was in school one day so far.
I'm really lame. I hate school. I can't wait till I am done or can be homeschooled because of the band. If you think I am being over dramatic about how much school I miss and how little I like school.... Look over the following::


Yeah.. my grades are bad too.. I think my GPA is like uhm... a 1.4 or something like that.. but I am still passing.. well... I was... Ugh. School sucks hardcore.

Philosophical note:: STAY IN SCHOOL. Kinda funny huh?? No seriously.. school is really important... I'm a bad role model lol.
