Saturday, November 8, 2008


Today at work, I remembered something I overheard a customer say once. It had to have been 3 generations, the grandson, the father and the grandfather. The following is what was said::
Grandfather: (holding glass up to toast) To the confederacy!'
Father: To the confederacy!
Grandson: What's a confederacy?
Grandfather: It's what this country should have been.

Back to now.
This conversation has always got to me. Granted, I was bussing a table and not meaning to eavesdrop.. but that’s what I heard. I don't understand how in today's society, people still think like that. We have made SO many advances in technology, in human many many fields.

We are going to have Mr. Obama as president. I can't help but wonder what the grandfather thinks of that.
People are opposed to him because they say he doesn't have enough experience, because he's black, because his name reminds them of Osama Binladin.
Look at the presidents we've had... They have had experience and where has that left our country? In a war, in trillions of dollars of debt... Soon we won't be the leading power, if we even are right now.
He's black, so what? If none of us had skin we'd all be the same. It's like peeling an apple. Peel a red one, a yellow one and a green one. Mix them up... in the end, the only way to know which is which is to taste them and see what they are like.
Peoples names sound alike allllll the time. I have a friend named Brittany Speer. That doesn’t mean she is going to be a famous singer who gets together with someone who is wrong for her, pop out a couple kids and shave her head!

I am not sure what my point of this bulletin is. I guess it would be something along the lines of change is inevitable. If Mr. Obama is going to fail as being president, he wouldn’t be the first. Don't judge a book by its cover. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

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