Thursday, December 20, 2007

Xmas Trees, Guitars, Gov't && Cali

SO one day left till Christmas Break. 3:18 on Friday, December 21. I cannot wait. Its gunna suck returning though because I have to sit in the front of the class for texting. LAME AS HELL!

Famous For Something has a concert on the 27th of this month. In result Shandi, LJ && I get to spend an entire week together. It will be amazing. I am excited and can't wait for the event or to hang out so much. I really wish, beyond anything else, that I could have been in Cleveland with Meemo. She means the world to me and I really wanted to hang with her. It sucks, I'm not gunna lie. The only thing that keeps me from being depressed is that everythign happenes for a reason.

If I don't bring up my gov't grade [[its at a 35% right now]] I cant go to Cali this summer. Even if I have the money. SO effing gay. But I passed my test today, I got 76% on it..... even though I was on the phone all night with LJ && her jerky friend Kaz who is a creeper and wanted my number even after I pretty much told him that he has an insanely small penis and sucks at life.

These are the events that take place in my life. Not so eventful but still enough drama to keep me going. I can't wait for this summer.... Between the band && Ali in Cali [[hehe]] I will be rocking it. I hope something amazing happens.

Life is full of events, some clear, others foggier than back window in a Chevy. Take those events, moments, memories for what they are and don't question it. The Lord has our back. Always && Forever


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